
Some supplements we take to support healthy aging and longevity. (See also COVID Digression .) Lifestyle factors important to longevity include healthy diet, exercise , good sleep , not smoking, not drinking in excess, and staying on top of health issues (like high cholesterol or blood pressure). What do we do? We're vegan for health reasons , though also glad that it helps animals and the planet. Plant-based diets confer some of the longevity benefits of calorie restriction , plus we practice intermittent fasting. Exercise gets at least an hour/day (walking, cardio, strength). Sleep gets 8 hours in a dark, quiet, cold room with an open window, and no food 4 hrs before bed. In addition, we take some supplements - ones that show meaningful effect sizes in studies and are (importantly) safe. I've included a few research links below; search evidence-based sources like pubmed and nutritionfacts for more info. Also, many thanks to my bro...