Dan's Hypnotic Dal

Dan Suthers shared his favorite dal recipe with me. Yay! For so long I've wanted a good dal recipe. How did he know? This dal is from Vegan Richa's Indian Kitchen Cookbook , which is now on my wish list. In the book it's called Masala Lentils or Sabut Masoor. Dan suggested doubling the recipe if you want a second meal, and since we always want a second meal, here's the recipe doubled. I made just a few other minor tweaks. Ingredients 1.5 cups lentils, brown or yellow, rinsed 4 cups water 1 cup finely chopped onion 1 T canola oil 4 T water 2 cans diced tomato (or 3 cups fresh) spices: 12 cloves garlic (I use TJ's jar of minced) 1 tsp cumin 4 tsp coriander 1 tsp cardamom (I ground seeds) 1 tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp fenugreek seeds (if you have it) 2 tsp sweet or hot paprika (I had smoked) 1/4 tsp nutmeg 1/2 tsp pepper 2 T sriracha (or 3T if you like really hot) 1 tsp salt 4 T chopped cilantro (optional, garnish) 1 T vegan butter (optional, gar...