Thai Vegetable Curry

I've made many veggie curries with Trader Joes bottled curry sauce, and they're okay, but never as good as what you get at a Thai restaurant. Once I tried to make curry with store-bought curry paste and coconut milk, but it was eh. What's the trick? Well, we went to Thailand last November and I brought back some curry packets for gifts; I decided to try one. The directions called for coconut cream (not coconut milk). We also had some fresh ginger that I had frozen (grated) in ice cube trays, so I tossed in a cube. (I didn't add the fish sauce it called for.) Boy, what a difference. It was nice and spicy and flavorful. We thought we were in a restaurant! Here's what I did.

Blue Elephant Royal Thai Yellow Curry paste (or similar)
1 can coconut cream
Fresh ginger (optional)
Olive oil
1/2 cup water

1 onion, chopped
12 cups mushrooms, chopped
1 cup cabbage, chopped
3 small potatoes, chopped and nuked 4 min
1 sweet potato, chopped and nuked 4 min
1/4 cauliflower, chopped and nuked 2 min
Tomatoes, chopped in large-ish chunks

Serve over a whole grain like Purple Prairie Barley. Whole grains take awhile to cook (like 1.5 hours) but if soak the grain for half a day, then boil and simmer, and it will cut the time in half (30-45 minutes).

Go to Thailand and get a packet of really good curry paste like Blue Elephant, or look for something like it the international food aisle of your grocery store or on Amazon.

Chop your potatoes and sweet potatoes, and steam in the microwave for 4 minutes. Steam the cauliflower, too, for a couple minutes. Open the can of coconut cream and be surprised that it looks like Crisco, a hardened white oil.

Stir fry the onion in olive oil for a few minutes. Add mushrooms and cabbage and stir a few minutes. Add the curry packet and 4 T (heaping) of the coconut cream. Stir and simmer a few minutes. And the remaining vegetables, coconut cream, and water, and bring to a boil. Stir and simmer another 10 min or so. Serve over purple barley if you have it; the color and taste is awesome. Brown rice will do if you don't.

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