Whole Wheat Bread

When we visit Robert and Judy, we often get to sample Robert's latest delicious homemade bread. Robert shared with me the NYTimes recipe he follows for no-knead bread . He uses this recipe (also below, with whole wheat) with all whole-wheat flour, but suggested that I use some white flour the first time. I bought a 6 qt enamel dutch this week for this purpose, using it for the first time yesterday to make a yummy mushroom white bean gratin . Today I gave the bread a go. It turned out great! Definitely doing this again. Ingredients 1 C white flour 2 C whole wheat flour (or 1 C rye, 1 C whole wheat) 1/4 tsp instant yeast 1 1/2 tsp salt 1 5/8 C water (note: maybe more with whole wheat) Wheat bran or corn bran for dusting optional additions to dough: 1 C chopped walnuts, OR 2 T finely chopped rosemary 1 C kalamata olives Time needed: 18 hours + 2 hours + 40 min Instructions In a large bowl combine flour, yeast and salt. Add 1 5/8 cups water, and stir until blended; dough will be...