Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

I've made half a dozen fruit pies in the past few weeks because of our prolific pear tree. I usually mix blackberries with the pears, because we have to use those up, too. But recently, for something different, I mixed strawberries with the pears, and it was delicious. Color-wise, it reminded me of the rhubarb pie we loved as kids; Mom made it from wild rhubarb we picked from patches near the corn crib. ( Rhubarb pie is a big deal in Nebraska. ) She made it straight -- all rhubarb -- but I decided to look for recipes with strawberries, so I wouldn't have to add a ton of sugar (rhubarb is pretty tart). I gave the following a try, and it was amazing! It's different enough from my other fruit pies that it earns its own post. Serve this with (vegan) vanilla ice cream. If you're generous with the filling, this easily makes 2 pies. Ingredients 3 C strawberries, fresh or frozen 2 stalks rhubarb, chopped (about 2-3 cups) 2 T flour 2 T arrowroot or cornsta...